2019 is a big year for me. A lot of experiences and growth, learning from love and death. Here I would only list one hat which was made in the last month of 2019, as a gift to Grace, who just turned 12. 2020, will be new start for all of us.


Studio Visit with Renqian Yang, Oswego, New York. Photograph by Yilan Wang. 摄影: 王伊岚

Studio Visit with Renqian Yang, Oswego, New York. Photograph by Yilan Wang. 摄影: 王伊岚

Red Fox 红狐

Red Fox 红狐, 2019. Red wool French beret hat from New York; fox earring as gift from Ann Shi; founded cestnut from New York; vintage flowers from New York.

2019年做的最后一顶礼帽,是给12岁的Grace的新年以及本命年礼物。 银装素裹时,雪地梅花落; 只闻风拂雪,不知是红狐。

The last hat from 2019, is a Natal Year birthday gift for 12 years old Grace. Plum blossoms in the snow weather, when the whole world dresses up in silver; One only feels window blowing snow, but not seeing the fox's traces.