This collection includes hats created in Autumn 2016. I moved to a 100 years old brownstone in Brooklyn and continued to run the apartment gallery - Fou Gallery. The hats are inspired by the natural scenes of Brooklyn, New York. I hope the hats carry the rich color and variety in autumn. 

Stories and images provided by Echo He, photographer: Siyu Tang. English translator: Ivy Ma, Rachel Lau. All rights reserved by Chapeau Echo.


Autumn in Brooklyn. Photograph by Siyu Tang ©2016 Siyu Tang.


Qingying 清影, 2016. Black felt beret hat from New York; silver and ivory sinamay cut from London; black mesh from New York; vintage leaf earing as a gift from artist Morgan O'Hara; a vintage leaf brooch from East Village, New York.

This hat is customize made for Inna, founder of Inna Art Space (Qingying Yishu Kongjian), Hangzhou. Using different types of yarn and textile, I tried to set a minimalistic and neutral tone with the various textures to fit Inna's personal style. She reminds me of a Chinese poem by Lin Bu: "Parse shadows are reflected in the little clear pond, and plum blossom fragrance floats around in the moonlit evening."




Secret Garden 秘密花园, 2016. Handpainted fascinator base from London and Fujian; blue silk ribbon from New York; handpainted orchid flower; dusty pink ostrich feather from London; pearls as a gift from Hansi Liao; ivory veiling from London; blue crin from London.


——弗朗西丝·伯内特 《秘密花园》



Rhythm 韵, 2016. Black fascinator base from Fujian; golden shining yarn from Brooklyn; silver sinamay cut from London; vintage music note brooch from East Village, New York.



Dream Field - A tribute to Echo Chen (Sanmao) 梦田-向三毛致敬

Dream Field - A tribute to Echo Chen (Sanmao) 梦田-向三毛致敬, 2016. Handpainted teardrop silk fascinator base from Fujian; ivory ostrich feather from London; blue sinamay teardrop fascinator base from London; clay iris from artist Renqian Yang; plain ivory veiling from Fujian.

Everybody has a dream and every once in a while we plant a seed of hope wishing for something beautiful.

This hat is customize made for Iris, decorated with clay irises made by artist Yang Renqian, as a symbol of seeds in the hope for harvesting courage, confidence and perseverance.

一颗种子, 化成心里的一亩田,种桃种李种春风。

这顶礼帽是给现在New Haven的Iris的定制,希望鸢尾的种子,能收获勇气、信心和坚持。陶瓷鸢尾来自艺术家杨人倩。

Madame Y's Garden Y女士的花园

Madame Y's Garden Y女士的花园, 2016. Black fascinator base from London; silver sinamay cut from London; ivory veiling from London; purple silk ribbon from Brooklyn; flamingo pin as a gift from Patricia Chen.

荒废的花园里四周都是墙,藤蔓覆盖了门,年复一年枯萎的树枝攀附而上,变成灰色的薄雾。春天一到,玉簪花不甘寂寞地开放,“我想吸引一只火烈鸟,用金色的喙子梳理粉色的羽毛。” 这顶礼帽受萨金特的Madame X启发创作,是给晚乔的生日礼物。

the wings of rose

The Wings of Rose 玫瑰之翼, 2016. Black cotton fascinator base from Fujian; vintage Swarovski Crystal Rosebud Pin; handpainted pink goose feather; diamonte black veiling from London; sinamay shushi trim from London.


Leaves 一叶知秋

Leaves 一叶知秋, 2016. A vintage silver fascinator from Lindsay McGuire; pearl black veiling from London; leather and cashmere cut; ceramic fragments from artist Zhang Lu.

The falling leaves drift by my window;
The falling leaves of silver and gold;
Leaves know autumn the best;
Before everything is gone.

落叶坠窗前; 起舞弄金银。 万物凋零前; 一叶竟知秋。

Shadow 影

Shadow 影, 2016. Handpainted cotton teardrop fascinator base; aqua sinamay fabric from London; ivory plain veiling from London; Monet's Pond fabric from a broken umbrella; earing made by Rachel Ye Seul; vintage blue daisy from a second hand Iranian bookstore in Boston.

不同材料的叠加,形成深深浅浅的阴影,像是湖泊和树木,和宝石的对话。宝石耳坠由我的韩国朋友Ye Seul亲手制作,她去波士顿后很少联系,但做帽子时又想到她,刚巧蓝色雏菊也来自波士顿的一家旧书店。

autumn heart 秋日的心

Autumn Heart 秋日的心, 2016. Red cotton fascinator base from Fujian; black yarn from Brooklyn; hand painted silk cut; ivory pearl veiling from London; a vintage double heart brooch from East Village, New York; pearls as a gift from Hansi Liao.




Seek 寻, 2016. White cotton fascinator base from Fujian; painted silk fascinator cut; pearls as gifts from Hansi Liao; grey plain veiling from London.


Frage 询问

Frage 询问, 2016. Handpainted cotton teardrop fascinator base; dark blue shining yarn from Brooklyn; vintage purple star flowers from an Iranian second hand bookstore in Boston; pearls as a gift from Hansi Liao; vintage capricorn ear stud from New York.


                             - 门德尔松,《询问》Op.9 第一乐章



“Is it true that you always wait for me there in the leafy path by the grape arbor and ask the moonlight and the little stars about me?
Is it true?
What I feel can only be understood by someone who feels it with me,
And who will stay forever true to me.”
                              - Mendelssohn, Frage, Op.9 No.1

Now it belongs to Yvonne Zhao from New York. The fascinator has a vintage capricorn ear stud, and Yvonne happens to be a Capricorn.


Garden by the Sea 海边花园

Garden by the Sea 海边花园, 2016. Handpainted cotton teardrop fascinator base; dusty pink sinamay trim from London; red and pink silk ribbon from New York; pink vintage hyacinth from an Iranian second hand bookstore in Boston; shells from Quincy as a gift from Wuxi He.


Some planest, rising from the east sky
Light the little garden by the sea
The murmuring shells speak to the roses and hyacinth:
It's been years since I thought
Why we are here and where are we going to?
Garden by the Sea now belongs to Guili Zhou in Hong Kong.


Cross Couds 穿云, 2016.9.Handpainted silk teardrop fascinator base; dark blue and grey shining yarn from Brooklyn; diamonte black veiling from London; a vintage arrow brooch from Rochester; ceramic fragment from artist Yang Renqian.

乘风破浪会有时,明月穿云照异乡。“穿云“做于2016年纽约中秋,艺术家杨人倩烧制的富有东方意趣的陶瓷,和来自罗彻斯特古董市集的金色箭矢胸针是这顶帽子的重心,就像在纽约的中秋,东方的节日在这里融入了西式的色彩。现在属于纽约的Cher He.