How Forests Dream Special Performance for Pace Staff Show

Poster Design: Mine Suda

Poster Design: Mine Suda

On occasion of Atmospheres: The Pace Staff Show, Echo He and the immersive dance theatre group “How Forests Dream” will present a selected part of the performance at Pace Gallery (510 West 25th Street) on 7/29 and 7/30, 3–4 pm. Collaboratively by a group of creative people in New York, How Forests Dream hopes to bring the audience together into a healing journey through dreams represented by handmade vintage-style fascinators. Weaving together various media — dance, theatre, poetry and textile art, How Forests Dream invites the audience to reflect on the daily patterns of our attachment and desire, and experience a glimpse of awakening in the midst of a dream.

Fou Shop 2016 Holiday Show | 否商店圣诞市集

GRIL WITH A HAT | 戴帽子的少女

This project is a collaboration with Wang Zeyang, a chemical engineer and photographer based in New York. Inspired by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer's renowned painting Girl with a Pearl Earring, Zeyang created a series of photography that look like 17th-century Dutch portrait oil paintings.

Model: Tianyang Shui; Makeup artist and Stylist: Coco Liu; Lighting Director: Yuxiang Zheng; Photographer: Zeyang Wang

这个项目是与纽约的化学工程师/摄影师王泽洋的合作。泽洋说:“一直以来都想拍一组融合古典气息的现代肖像。如果说灵感来源的话,应该是2013年底来到纽约的维米尔和伦勃朗特展。当时街头挂满的《戴珍珠耳环的女孩》也成为了我这次创作的重要参考。” 因此,这一辑摄影名为《戴帽子的女孩》,试图呈现17世纪古典油画的光影。


Girl with a Pearl Earring (Meisje met de parel), c. 1665- 1667, Oil on canvas, Mauritshuis, The Hague.